Saturday, September 1, 2012

Awaken and Open Your Crown Chakra Using Brainwave Entrainment

Brainwave entrainment is a medium that can change your brainwave frequency to the specific sound wave needed to awaken and open your Crown Chakra. Entrainment guides your brainwaves to a desired state, by introducing repeated and rhythmic sound waves to your brain, which it will naturally follow and mimic.
Why Would You Want To Open The Crown?
· An open Crown will give you a greater sense of the meaning of your life and life purpose. 
· You'll feel more harmony and inner peace. 
· You'll have a stronger connection to your source. 
· It will connect you to the higher realms so that you can receive messages from your source, the Divine, spirit guides, and deceased loved ones. 
· Your psychic gifts will emerge-just as a perk. 
· Heals your body and spirit. 
· Frees you from suffering the effects of negative energy. 
· Clears the way for abundance.

When the Crown Chakra is opened, awakened, and balanced, it gives and receives information-supporting a free flow of energy. You have a trust in spirit for help and assistance. You can live with limitations and accept them for what they are because you know you are not alone.
Suffering is eliminated.
You see everything as a spiritual experience.
You know the Divine is always at work and are grateful and humble, in its presence. You will know your life purpose. If you don't follow your purpose, you've chosen to live in the lower chakras. If you follow it, life will give you everything you need to fulfill your purpose.
Elements of an Open Crown Chakra
· Divine wisdom and "knowing" flows into the Third Eye Chakra from an open Crown, enabling you to align your thoughts with the Creator, and to integrate your conscious mind with your subconscious or unconscious mind. 
· Unification with your Divine source. 
· Draws white light into your energy field, that protects and heals. 
· When fully open, confers to unity consciousness. 
· Has supra-mental understanding-anything that separates you from anything, including God or your Creative Source, is an illusion.

People who have a balanced Crown Chakra are very wise and very connected to the higher realms.
· They are incredible spiritual teachers who understand what life is really all about and can be great healers. 
· Have incredible psychic ability. 
· Have a connection to their own soul. 
· Understand their live purpose. 
· Meditate very easily and quickly. 
· Understand that the Source is in all things. 
· Have a close relationship with the Source, God. 
· Walk their own path. 
· Sense images and spiritual impressions. 
· Are great humanitarians. 
· Can see the bigger picture. 
· Have inner peace and satisfaction with life. 
· Are spiritual but not necessarily religious. 
· Spend regular time in prayer or meditation. 
· Radiate good will and compassion. 
· Are mentally stable. 
· Are fairly well grounded but may be indifferent to many social conventions. 
· Still maintain a healthy body.

Awakening and opening your Crown Chakra using brainwave entrainment will enable you to access your own personal direct line of connection to the divine.
It is up to you whether you wish to cross the bridge between your conscious self and the source of all energy, and begin communication.
Clearing and balancing each of your chakras will allow you to live your best life.
Take advantage of a technology, brainwave entrainment, that can easily access and maintain the frequency required to activate the chakras.

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps a cause of stress is our brains being somehow out of alignment with the natural level of vibrations. If our brains could be "re-aligned," the possibilities are interesting.

    ilchi lee brain wave vibration
