Friday, September 7, 2012

Brainwave Entrainment Can Unblock Your Crown Chakra

Brainwave entrainment is a neuro-technological medium that alters your brainwaves to reflect a specific frequency, that will open and unblock your Crown Chakra, in an expeditious and safe manner.
The Crown Chakra is an avenue to higher states of consciousness. When open, it allows you to go to a place beyond ego, thought, feeling, and body, bringing more harmony and peace into your life.
Developmental Age
· The Crown is open in young children-the veil between our physical world and the astral realm is open for them.
· It closes when a child is told, continually, that what they see is just their imagination.
· It can begin to develop again, slowly, sparingly, at age 7 or 8.
· This chakra can open again as a spiritual adult, and be fully active by age 43 to 49.
· Or, it may never open in some people's lifetimes.
What Blocks a Crown Chakra?
Disease is caused by chronic, repeatedly blocked chakra energy.
All seven chakras hold all of your good and bad thoughts, deeds, and actions that you have committed in all of your lifetimes.
Repression of emotions causes pain, suffering and disease and the blocking of the crown chakra.
Some reasons for a blocked Crown Chakra.
· Memories, maybe not even conscious memories, of childhood trauma.
· Any trauma as a child will reflect issues of forgiveness and feeling accepted.
· Abuse.
· Learned restrictive belief systems.
· Emotional trauma as a child will play out as blocked emotions later in life.
· If you have trouble accepting yourself, chances are your were rejected as a child.
· Many of your fears began at the ages of 7 or 8 and if you faced severe criticism, your Crown would become impaired.
· Emotional injuries that haven't been forgiven.
· Lack of attention.
· If tension builds up at one of the lower six chakras, from repeated guilt, denial, repression, or unfelt emotions, the Crown is affected.
· If there is a separation from your father, the Crown closes and you feel a sense of isolation and aloneness, that just can't seem to be extinguished.
How a Blocked Crown Chakra Manifests Into The Physical
· A blocked Crown impedes the flow of Divine light to flow through the body, affecting posture, metabolism, breathing, and your emotional state.
· A tingle, ache, or sensitivity in any of the regions governed by the Crown, (pineal gland, cerebral cortex, central nervous system, right eye, all parts of the brain, pituitary gland, hair growth), is caused by unresolved emotions stored in that area. As soon as the emotional issue has been resolved, the ache will disappear. The strength of the ache is directly proportional to the size of the issue.
· Butterflies-feeling as though something is moving inside of you, or trying to.
· Intense or dull pressure, headache, or migraine, starting at the Crown.
· If you suffer from migraines, you have trouble living in the moment, the mantra of an open Crown Chakra.
· Can trigger depression, confusion, senility, fear of success, lack of inspiration, intellectualizing, and spiritual addiction.
Brainwave entrainment can unblock your Crown Chakra at the level of your soul. Intuitive "knowing" and communication with your spiritual nature will help you integrate your higher self with your conscious, physical self, applying this integrated knowledge to living your life, "in the now."
Instead of asking "Is this all there is?" you'll be able to say "I know."
Clearing and balancing each of your chakras will allow you to live your best life.
Take advantage of a technology, brainwave entrainment, that can easily access and maintain the frequency required to activate the chakras.

1 comment:

  1. If you had the mind power to change your life, for the better, using your brainwaves, why wouldn't you?

    Ilchi Lee Books
