Monday, October 29, 2012

2 Psychic Development Tricks You Can Use Right NOW

Think that being psychic is a gift you need to be born with?
Think again!
The truth is, just about anyone who wants to can instantly improve, enhance or extend their own psychic and intuitive abilities, and for the most part, it's FUN, fast and free.
Let's take a quick look at some super simple techniques that anyone can try, starting TODAY, to dramatically improve your awareness, and intuition, and yes... spiritual connection to the magic, and mystery of the great unknown.
Learn to Meditate:
Yes, we've covered this before, and yes... everyone says the same thing when it comes to learning to become more psychically aware. Why is this the ONE approach that's almost universally agreed on to be hyper effective? Because it works! And it works in ways we understand... and in ways that we don't. For example, many people, including many leading scientists NOW believe that information, "lives" in the environment, rather than in our heads. (or our biological brain, to be more technically correct:-)
Quieting the noise, and allowing the mental chatter in our mind to go away... is a great way to open UP to the amazing amount of information that is in the environment, and some believe, much like an "Akashic Record" (the way legendary psychic Edgar Caycee described this information over 50 years ago), you will open up to the magic, and the mystery of the TRUE universal mind, which exists outside of time and space.
Exercise your EMPATHY muscle.
Simply stated? Care more. Think more about others. Tune into the thoughts, feelings and emotions of those in your extended world. (the broader you go with your compassion... the more profound and powerful your psychic abilities will extend) The truth is, a "sensitive" is someone who is incredibly tuned in, and simpatico with the sensations of others.
Thoughts. Feelings. Emotions.
It is incredibly logical, of course, that becoming more sensitive yourself, in general human terms... will open up a wide and wonderful window into the joys and sufferings and fears and phobias of those around you, AND the hidden, or invisible spirit world beyond. At it's core... that is what psychic ability is ALL about, and something that is super easy to do for all.
The truth is, once you stop looking at psychic ability as something wild or weird, and instead... look at it as an intrisic part of being human, and who you ALREADY are, there is an amazing shift that starts to take place, where the power and potential that lives within you opens UP for the world to see. (and SEES the world around you at the very same time in VERY new ways as well!)

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